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Add a CaseViewNet License to CATalyst and unlock exclusive features, including instant refresh and control of recipients' saving rights. In-room local network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet can be provided alone or in conjunction with CaseViewNet Cloud, offered separately, for remote participants. 

One Year License

With Edge Plan

Without Edge Plan

CaseViewNet License$320$430

STAR members receive a $25 discount on CaseViewNet License prices

Note: CaseViewNet License is only available to customers on CATalyst Version 14 or above (14.50 is the first version to support Cloud Session Codes)

Before you start, locate your Stenograph Customer Number. You will need it during this process. The CaseViewNet license will be affiliated with your CATalyst Product Key Code (PKC). Start this transaction using the CATalyst license with which you wish it to be affiliated. 

Follow these instructions:

1. In CATalyst, click Help, About Case CATalyst.
2. When the About Case CATalyst dialog box appears, Click the CVNet button. 
3. When the CaseViewNet dialog box appears, Select Get CVNet.
4. In the Purchase/Renew dialog box do the following: 
    a. Click the copy number to clipboard link
5. Type your Customer Number into the field
6. Press Ctrl + v to paste your Call-in# into the fieldYou will be prompted through the purchase process of paying via credit card. Upon completion, your PKC will enable CaseViewNet on any of the computers where your PKC is active. 

Click here to see full instructions with screen shots on our Solution Center.

Note: If you don’t know what your Stenograph Customer Number is, you can find it by signing into your account. Your customer number will be the 5 or 6 digit number in the Account Dashboard section, under “Manage My Account Details.”