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Are you thinking about making the switch to CATalyst but are uncertain about the process and learning curve? Rest assured that whenever the time comes, the Stenograph team is here to make the transition as painless and seamless as possible.

Our certified Training Agents are here to assist you every step of the way with keyboard mapping to closely match what your current CAT software; dictionary and standard page conversions and optimizations; and one-on-one and remote training sessions as you need them.

Make the switch today and start experiencing these time-saving features:

  • The RealTeam™ View Team Member Locations feature allows you to quickly look at where team members are editing in a transcript. The cursor display for each connected participant will show the current page number location for each participant. You can even double-click on the participant's cursor to shift your view to their transcript location. 
  • The RealTeam™ Transfer to User feature enables the Host of a RealTeam session to make any of the currently connected participants the new Host. This is great for teams when the Reporter is done writing for the day and the Scopists want to continue their RealTeam editing without interruption. The Reporter can simply transfer the hosting of the session to one of the team members and be on their way. 
  • The RealTeam™ simultaneous editing solution allows multiple people to work on a file during and after proceedings. 
  • Enhanced audio quality at a fraction of a Wav file size with the Opus Audio Codec
  • One-click processes for adding Start & End Time Fields and backing up and restoring users
  • Simple, one-step suggestions for fixing steno and text translations during transcript editing
  • Cleaner realtime and less editing time with our exclusive Live Suggestions feature
  • Case Prep will analyze PDF, e-Transcript, TextMap, ASCII, Eclipse and CATalyst files and then suggest briefs for frequently occurring words and phrases
  • Mistran Minder for creating fast rough drafts and flawless finals
  • And much more

Resources available to you for a smooth transition include:

  • Expert assistance from a Stenograph Training Agent
  • Access to our U.S. based Technical Support Team
  • Integrated video training. Essential Skills video tutorials to get you up and running with CATalyst quickly and expand your knowledge via Productivity Boosters
  • Eight Self-Study Guides covering the most-requested topics (Audio Sync, Automatic Indexing, Basic Realtime, Essential Skills Training, Index Template Wizard and Number Conversion and Speaker Features)
  • Dozens of Exceptional Extras and Self-Study Guides that are accessible from the Help menu in CATalyst, including Sample edit, realtime and dictionary macros, fingerspelling dictionary, index templates and detailed instructions and more

Click on the image to view the keyboard map larger.

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Contact us today for more information at (800) 323-4247 or email
