Questions? Call us at (800) 323-4247 or (630) 532-5100.

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We will be performing routine server maintenance from 10 a.m. —9 p.m. CT on Saturday, September 14. During that time, the website will be down, which means online purchasing of all our products and services will be unavailable. CATalyst and MAXScribe downloads, driver downloads, and e-key authentication may also be temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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APEX For Reporters

Stenograph’s industry-leading court reporter software, CATalyst, has been updated and extended to provide solutions for a reporters’ complete workflow. Everything from connecting to agencies and scheduling jobs, editing and production tasks, submitting the finished job to the agency, and billing can now be managed from the CATalyst desktop.

New CATalyst features found in Version 21.5 will streamline your work and provide everything needed to optimize output and minimize production time. The state-of-the-art integration of CATalyst and APEX has enhanced reporter productivity with efficiencies that add up to a month of time saved annually, resulting in up to $5,000 a year in additional revenue opportunities- at no additional cost to reporters. You can also earn on average up to $400 in Loyalty Points a year for being part of the APEX ecosystem that can be used towards the purchase of Stenograph products and services such as writers, software, and Edge or Endurance contracts.

When you connect CATalyst Version 21.5 or later to APEX and create a FREE profile, you can earn your first $10 in Loyalty points. Update CATalyst or visit today!

Learn more about CATalyst Version 21.5.

APEX is for ALL Reporters

All reporters can benefit from being part of the APEX ecosystem, even if you aren’t using CATalyst. Although reporters using CATalyst will see more time and productivity savings due to the integration between CATalyst and APEX, non-CATalyst reporters will also see benefits when they make the free connection to APEX and create a profile. They can also join the Loyalty Program and earn their first $10 in Loyalty Points that can be used for discounts on Stenograph products and services.

To make the FREE connection to APEX and create a profile, visit

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Make sure you are on the latest version of CATalyst so you can update to version 21.5 and make the free connection to APEX. Contact your Sales Rep or the Stenograph Sales Team at 1-800-323-4247, or email us at
