Case CATalyst 17 Features
Brief It now offers more than just words and phrase briefs.
- Bates Numbering
- Addresses
- Dollar amounts and more
- First syllable twice briefs if you want them that way
Be even better prepared with Case Prep enhancements.
- Uses PDF, PTX and TextMap files.
- Eliminates cutting and pasting content into Case CATalyst files.
- Suggests briefs for both phrases and words.
- Heads-Up list shows previously suggested briefs and reminder briefs.
A handy right-click menu reveals the power of the Global dialog.
- Makes replacing and defining faster by showing you the available commands.
- Offers a great way to learn the shortcut keys
Case Number Conversion creates aunique Number Conversion file for jobs!
- Lets you create unique number conversion rules for unique jobs.
- It’s independent from regular number conversion rules so there’s no need to reset once the job is done.
Scripting feature from CATalyst BCS is now available for CARTView in CATalyst Full.
- Feed scripts out to your CARTView window a line at a time and intersperse it with writing live.
- Look good and feel good by having Bible readings, graduates’ names, or speeches ready ahead of time.
Homophone Editor makes adding your own variations easy!
- Quickly cycle through homophones such as aerie/aery/airy.
- Easily add your own, such as eyrie.
Learn more about these new features and enhancements
At the end of the update process, select View Readme, or once you are in Case CATalyst 17, Select Help, View Readme.
If you have an active support agreement you are eligible to update to version 17. Click here to view the update steps.
